The inner workings of ZigSelf's actor model
Hi there. I wanted to do a series of deep dives about various parts of ZigSelf in order to give others a more thorough explanation of how everything works, and also as a braindump in order to verify my thinking. The first post I wanted to make is regarding ZigSelf’s implementation of the actor model, as it’s the feature I believe is one of the most interesting aspects of the language.
The post starts off with a high-level overview and then gets more technical. The finer details of the scheduler aren’t really as important as the concept behind it, which I’ve hopefully made as clear as possible.
ZigSelf is an implementation of the Self programming language in Zig. It is a pure prototype-based object programming language where the main method of executing code is by sending a message to objects. The virtual machine part is written in Zig while the standard library is written in ZigSelf code.
Early in 2022, I was looking at ways to get a concurrency model in ZigSelf. I’m a big fan of structured concurrency, and while the original Self did have its own concurrency model, it was a completely unprotected system - Self processes are preemptively multitasked, and there is no protection between the different processes regarding memory isolation, which meant a fallback to traditional locking-based multitasking. I felt that we could do better, as I already had a managed VM that is able to intercept each object access. While I was looking into how other programming languages did this, I came across Erlang, and it felt almost perfect.
How Erlang Does It
Erlang is a functional programming language designed to be highly concurrent. The whole system runs on what it calls the actor model, where many isolated processes concurrently execute and communicate by message sending. There are two important points to the design here:
- All Erlang values are immutable (which kind of comes with the functional territory). This makes it rather cheap to send messages to other processes, because there is no copying involved beyond compiler optimizations; neither the sender and receiver can change the object anyway.
- Erlang code is written as modules, compiled ahead of time and then run later. This is important, because the standard functions one uses cannot change while the program is running (beyond code replacement, but that’s rare), which also removes any worries of someone messing around with the functions being used.
Both of these points make Erlang a really good candidate for the actor model. They also make ZigSelf a really bad candidate for it.
ZigSelf is a bad language for the actor model
The main issue stems from those two points I touched upon. The fact that ZigSelf is an object oriented programming language, and the fact that it is intended to be used as a live system and not a “compile and deploy” type of system means that actors now have many more hazards that have to be avoided. Let’s revisit those two points:
- In ZigSelf, objects can have assignable slots which can be modified at will. This means that sending an object as a message must now copy at least the writable parts of the object graph, because both the sender and receiver can now affect each other.
- I intend for ZigSelf to be used as a fully live visual programming environment. Once one introduces the actor model to this equation, all bets are off for code that needs to access well-known things; the global object hierarchy can be changed at any time, and all running actors have to cope with this (this is not a bug – everything in the system should be modifiable!).
Why I think ZigSelf should have the actor model
Even though these issues made it look like the actor model was very wrong for ZigSelf, I was still adamant that it was the one. I had several reasons:
- In ZigSelf, message passing is the main “calling convention” - objects respond to messages sent to them, similar to languages like Smalltalk or Ruby. The actor model works in almost exactly the same way, except the responses are asynchronous and disconnected.
- In Erlang, processes are isolated bits of running code with their own memory. Turns out objects in ZigSelf are basically the same thing (objects are poor man’s closures)! So if we use an object as our actor context and send a message to that object, we get something akin to an Erlang process.
- While the original Self programming environment’s model was much closer in effect to OS threads than something like the actor model, it still was a process-based model, telling me that if the right balance could be found, this model is feasible.
So, how can we make the actor model work with ZigSelf? We’re going to have to tackle the various problems that we’ve talked about so far.
Let’s start with some terminology, because the explanation below can get verbose without some terms. Feel free to skip this part and reference it whenever an unknown term is used.
- Actor. An actor is a single-threaded piece of code that can execute concurrently with other actors.
- Actor object. The actor object is the representation of a single actor within the object heap.
- Actor context. The actor context is the object that is returned in response to the spawn message. The actor context can be used to store the state of an actor.
- Actor mode. In ZigSelf, actor mode is entered once the
message is sent to an object. This creates the genesis actor, which acts as the scheduler for regular actors. - Actor spawner. The process that spawned the new actor via
. Keep in mind that_Genesis:
also spawns an actor but is considered special. - Global actor. The global actor is the one that code that’s not in actor mode executes in. The global actor basically just behaves like a single-threaded language runtime such as JavaScript.
- Genesis actor. The genesis actor is the only special actor in actor mode. It is responsible for scheduling actors and handling the various states that an actor can enter.
- Regular actor. A regular actor is one that runs user code. It is usually
application code or the programming environment, and works like an individual
operating system process. Regular actors are spawned by sending the
message. - Spawn message. The spawn message is the message that is sent to an object in order to obtain a new actor context.
- Entrypoint message. The entrypoint message is the message sent to the
actor context object in order to make it start executing. It is the “main
function” of the actor (and is named
in the ZigSelf implementation by default, in fact). - Blessing. Blessing is an operation performed on an object graph in order to make copy its writable parts for a new actor. This is used during spawning and actor messages. Blessing does not copy globally reachable objects.
- Globally reachable object. Globally reachable objects are any objects that can be reached through the lobby (the root object of ZigSelf). Globally reachable objects are read-only during actor mode.
- Primitive. A primitive is a message that is defined in the VM. They are always prefixed with an underscore (which normal methods cannot be prefixed by). They are similar to “built-ins” in other programming languages.
- Receiver. Each message has a receiver, which is the object that message
lookup happens on. Within a method activation,
refers to the receiver of the current activation. Other languages either call this objectself
. For instance, in the message sendobject foo: 1 Bar: 2.
, the messagefoo:Bar:
is sent to the receiverobject
, with the arguments1
The Anatomy of an Actor
Before we talk about how ZigSelf implements the actor model, it is important that I give some information about what an actor looks like in ZigSelf.
The most important parts of an actor is its stacks and its mailbox. There are various stacks in use by each actor:
- The activation stack, which is used like a regular call stack in other programming languages.
- The slot stack, which is used while building objects via literals.
- The argument stack, which is used for arguments while sending messages.
- The saved register stack, which is used for saving registers during calls.
Normally, all of these would be within the same stack, but I found it to be much nicer to keep them in separate stacks. Additionally, because the stacks are separate, this makes it much easier to do a precise scan on them during a garbage collection cycle, and also to do it faster (because items of the same kind are together, which works better with cache lines).
The mailbox of an actor stores the messages that have been sent to an actor since its last run. When an actor is resumed, it first answers all messages sent to it before resuming from its last waiting condition.
In addition to the above, actors also store a reference to their actor context in order to keep it alive, the yield reason of the actor (if it’s suspended), the file descriptor the actor is currently blocked on (if any), and various other small bits.
Entering Actor Mode
In order to enter actor mode, one must first enter the genesis actor. This is
done by using the _Genesis:
primitive. This primitive takes the name of a
message, blesses the current object and sends the message to the new object.
The genesis actor acts as a scheduler for the other actors; when a new actor is spawned, the genesis actor gets the actor object, and is responsible for resuming each actor. In addition, the genesis actor also has access to which file descriptor each actor is blocked on, and can use this information to wait until a specific event happens, behaving similarly to an event loop. The low level details of actor states and how the standard library scheduler works is detailed in Actor Scheduling in Userspace.
Once the main activation of the genesis actor is exited, the VM exits actor mode and control returns to the global actor. The ZigSelf VM can enter and exit actor mode as many times as the user wishes, but there can only be one genesis actor at a time.
Creating a New Regular Actor
In Erlang, in order to create a new process, one calls the spawn
family of
functions (which has different arities depending on what the process creator
wants to happen). This creates the process and then returns the process ID
(PID), which the process creator can then use in order to send messages, manage
and otherwise communicate with the process.
ZigSelf works similarly to this. There is a primitive called _ActorSpawn:
which allows an actor to send a message to an object in order to spawn a new
actor. This primitive runs through the following steps:
- Send the message with the given name to the receiver (this is the “spawn
message”). This message is executed to completion within the actor spawner,
and suspension of the current actor is not permitted during this time. The
object that’s returned in response to this message becomes the actor context.
In addition, the spawn message is responsible for calling
, which tells the_ActorSpawn:
primitive what message to send as the entrypoint message for this actor. - The new actor is created.
- The returned object is “blessed” to be owned by the newly created actor. The details of why this is necessary is given in Actor Memory Ownership.
- The entrypoint message that was set during the spawn message is sent to the new actor’s context.
Once all of these steps are taken, the new actor object is returned. However, how it is returned depends on the actor spawner:
- If the actor spawner is the genesis actor, the
object is the response. - If the actor spawner is a regular actor, then there are two responses: the
actor spawner gets a
which it can use to send messages, and is immediately suspended and theActor
object is the response of the actor spawner’s execution for the genesis actor. The genesis actor can then manage theActor
object as needed and resume the actor spawner.
(Note: ZigSelf currently doesn’t allow one to send arguments in an actor spawn message.)
Memory Isolation
In Erlang, all process memory is isolated. This means that a process cannot access memory owned by another process. This completely solves the shared memory synchronization problem in conventional multi-threading. However, solving this problem comes with its own peculiarities, namely the fact that the language’s model has to change significantly to adapt to this (which is why Erlang data structures are immutable).
ZigSelf is an object programming language and mutating objects by sending them messages is the natural way of using it. As such, one must take extra care when designing a memory isolation system. ZigSelf employs a few different methods to ensure that memory is properly isolated between actors.
Actor memory ownership
Earlier I had mentioned that each actor owns its memory and there is no memory sharing allowed between actors. This is ensured by marking every newly-created object with the actor that created it. Reading other actors’ memory is prevented by simply not making it possible to reference that memory in the first place; getting one’s hands on an object owned by another actor is an immediate VM crash since that would mean that a VM invariant is broken.
However, there is one small wrinkle in this model: spawning of new actors. In Creating a New Regular Actor, I mentioned that the object that’s returned as the response of the spawn message is “blessed”. But why is this necessary?
The problem here is a variation of the chicken and egg problem: In order for the
new actor to be able to clone memory, it needs to be able to somehow reach the
object it wants to clone. In ZigSelf, nothing is actually truly “global”: one
reaches the global objects by going up the lookup chain until the lobby (the
root object) is reached, after which one sends a series of messages to the lobby
in order to find the well-known object (for example, std vector
is just std
being sent to the current activation object, and vector
being sent to the
response of that message).
In the last sentence I said “current activation object”. That is what’s referred
to as self
within a method. The problem becomes obvious after this: if the
actor doesn’t have any memory of its own yet, it can’t have anything to call
, and so running any non-trivial code at all would be an instant crash.
This is the reason the spawn message is executed within the actor spawner, and
it is also why the “blessing” step is needed – once the new actor context is
returned from the spawn message, it is then made to belong to the new actor, and
the new actor can now execute code through its own memory.
Read-only global object hierarchy
Of course, the aforementioned memory ownership works fine for objects owned by the actor itself, but one can’t really write useful code without being able to reuse code from places like the standard library (you could definitely stuff all your required definitions within your actor context, but nobody actually does that, right? :^). This is where we hit another problem: ZigSelf doesn’t have a module system in the traditional sense where code is physically separated. This is not a bug - it is actually one of the great features of the snapshot-based virtual machine model. It allows for one to pack everything the program needs within a single file and carry it elsewhere, and need only the virtual machine to handle the non-portable parts.
However, this also means that all actors have to share the same global object hierarchy. This means (gasp) shared memory! So how can ZigSelf solve this problem while keeping things ergonomic?
From my observations working with ZigSelf for the past year, the global object hierarchy is seldom modified during normal runtime (to the point where it could be considered completely static). Then it hit me - why not just make it static? We could freeze the global hierarchy, at least during normal actor operation, and stop the world during those few moments when someone actually modifies the global object hierarchy.
This idea gives us the best of both worlds: Keep the system fully live and malleable, and make it possible for actors to work without significant slowdowns caused by locking for each global access.
Here’s how it works: In addition to the owning actor for each object, the most significant bit of each object’s header word contains a “globally reachable” bit. This bit is poisonous; objects that are made reachable through a globally reachable object via any means become marked as globally reachable themselves. Initially, only the base object traits and the root object are marked as “globally reachable”, and it propagates as the standard library is built during world creation.
While actor mode is off, globally reachable objects can be modified freely. Once actor mode is turned on however, all globally reachable objects are put into read-only mode. There is currently no way to modify the global hierarchy in actor mode, but I intend to create a primitive that allows this soon.
The addition of the globally reachable bit actually aids actor memory isolation. Because globally reachable objects are read-only during regular actor operation, there is no need to copy them; they behave similarly to Erlang’s immutable data structures in this sense. Therefore, the blessing operation skips parts of the object graph that are globally reachable, which makes things like blessing a standard library data structure as simple as deep copying the data structure’s contents, without bringing the whole standard library with it.
Actor message copying
At the start, I mentioned that because of ZigSelf’s mutable nature, objects sent as part of actor messages have to be copied. This is done by just combining the previous two points: all non-globally reachable objects that are part of a sent message’s object graph are copied and a reference is stored to the copy in the recipient’s mailbox.
When an actor is resumed, it first looks into the mailbox and executes any messages that it has received. Any invalid messages are handled during the initial send to the ActorProxy object, and a reference to the method object is stored on the mailbox, so there is no possibility of a “delayed” method lookup error. All messages in the mailbox are executed before control returns to the point where the actor had previously been paused.
This actually works surprisingly well in practice, because most messages that are sent include standard things like integers, vectors and byte arrays (strings).
Actor Scheduling in Userspace
When I was looking into how other programming languages handled their concurrency, I noticed a distinct separation between languages that delegate scheduling to userspace and languages that handle scheduling directly within the virtual machine. For example, when Python introduced asynchronous support in 3.5 it decided that handling of coroutines should be delegated to an event loop implementation in Python code. I found that to be much more closely aligned with my own goals, because it has spawned great projects like Trio which provide very cool improvements over Python’s default event loop implementation. Comparing this with languages like Javascript where the virtual machine defines how the event loop is to be executed without allowing any introspection or replacement made the choice to put the scheduler in userspace obvious.
In ZigSelf, there are various primitives provided by the virtual machine that allows one to control the running state of an actor and also to get various bits of information from it. These primitives will be explored shortly, but first let’s take a look at how the scheduler in ZigSelf’s standard library currently executes processes at a high level.
parent* = std traits clonable.
readyQueue = std vector copy.
blockedQueue = std vector copy.
"Given a yielded actor, execute the correct action based on its
yield reason."
handleSuspensionOf: actor WithResult: result = (|
yieldReason = std actor yieldReason.
reason: actor _ActorYieldReason.
reason = yieldReason dead ifTrue: [
"There's nothing to do since the actor has died."
^ nil.
reason = yieldReason yielded ifTrue: [
"The actor has yielded on its own and is ready to be
executed again."
readyQueue append: actor.
^ nil.
reason = yieldReason actorSpawned ifTrue: [
"This actor spawned another actor (which is now in result).
Put this actor and the new actor in the ready queue."
readyQueue append: result.
readyQueue append: actor.
^ nil.
reason = yieldReason blocked ifTrue: [
"The actor performed a blocking operation. Put it in the
blocked queue. blockedActor is a helper object that
stores the FD the actor is blocked on by sending the
actor it's given the _ActorBlockedFD primitive."
blockedQueue append: blockedActor copyActor: actor.
^ nil.
reason = yieldReason runtimeError ifTrue: [
"The actor received a runtime error."
handleRuntimeErrorFor: actor.
^ nil.
raiseError: 'Actor yielded for unknown reason'.
schedule = (
"Start the first actor somehow. This is done in the actual
implementation via std scheduler startBySending:To:."
readyQueue append: spawnTheFirstActorSomehow.
[| :break. :continue |
"Check if there are any ready processes to execute."
readyQueue isEmpty not ifTrue: [| firstReadyActor. result. |
firstReadyActor: readyQueue shift.
"Resume the actor from where it left off."
result: firstReadyActor _ActorResume.
"Once we get here, the actor has executed and
suspended again. Figure out why the actor was
suspended and add it to the correct queue."
handleSuspensionOf: firstReadyActor WithResult: result.
"Continue with scheduling."
continue value.
"There were no ready processes. If there are no blocked
processes either, then everything has successfully executed
and we can exit the scheduler."
blockedQueue isEmpty ifTrue: break.
"There were blocked processes. Let's wait until at least one
of them become unblocked."
] loopBreakContinue.
|) _Genesis: 'schedule'.
I’m omitting the implementation of various functions here, but this is the overall structure of the ZigSelf scheduler as of writing. The most important parts here are:
- This is how new actors are created. The initial actor is created by giving the scheduler an object to send a message to, and the rest is handled by the scheduler as can be seen above._ActorResume
- This is the most important part of the actor model in ZigSelf. It is essentially a context switch - it switches from the currently executing actor to another one and resumes it from where it had previously left off._ActorYieldReason
- An actor may have paused for various reasons, and this is how the scheduler learns why an actor has stopped. This information can then be used in order to guide what the scheduler should do with the actor, as can be seen above._ActorBlockedFD
- The file descriptor that the actor is blocked on. Certain operations such as reading will block the actor instead of the entire virtual machine when actor mode is enabled, and the file descriptor that the actor tried to read from will be stored in order to give it to the scheduler.
These four primitives allow us to implement a scheduler in userspace. The choice to expose these attributes was deliberate, as explained above.
An Actor’s Lifecycle
In the previous section we looked at how the scheduler is implemented in code, but I think the best way to explore a ZigSelf actor’s lifecycle is with a graph. Below, you can see a state diagram for an actor.

State diagram for the lifecycle of an actor.
There are currently 5 reasons that a regular actor can yield:
- Yielded. This is the simplest reason. The actor can send the
message at any time in order to pause its execution. This is useful for things like servers where the actor can yield itself after handling incoming messages in order to give other actors a chance to run. - Blocked. The actor tried to perform an operation that would block and is now suspended. The scheduler can resume the actor once the operation no longer blocks. Keep in mind that this yield reason causes the last instruction that was executed to be re-executed once the actor is resumed (blocking primitives are atomic, so they can be retried if they caused a block).
- Runtime error. The actor received a runtime error due to a programming error. Runtime errors are different from regular errors and cannot be caught. This also borrows from Erlang’s “let it fail” style.
- Dead. The actor has successfully executed all of its code and has exited successfully. There is nothing else to be done.
- Actor spawned. The actor sent the
message to an object and successfully spawned another actor. As explained in Creating a New Regular Actor, this pauses the spawning actor and returns the actor object to the genesis actor. The spawning actor can then be resumed normally.
The diagram above explains what the current scheduler does for each action.
Actor Messages
A single actor by itself isn’t very useful, because an actor can only represent a single concurrent computation. In order to take advantage of the full potential of the actor model, we need to have multiple actors, and those actors need to be able to communicate with each other. This is where message passing comes in.
In ZigSelf, sending a message to another actor is extremely simple: You just
need the actor proxy object for that actor (which is given to you via
), and you send a message to that actor proxy object. All actor
messages are currently asynchronous.
When a message is sent to the actor proxy, the message is looked up on the target actor’s context. If the result of the lookup is not a method, then it’s simply discarded. This allows for stubbing out some messages. Otherwise, a reference to the method object and all the passed arguments are saved into the actor’s mailbox so that it can handle the messages the next time it’s resumed.
Unanswered Questions
The eventual goal of ZigSelf’s actor model is to schedule actors on multiple threads at once, which is possible due to the model itself preventing shared memory as much as possible. However, there are still various open questions that have to be answered before this can be fully realized.
For example, if we execute multiple actors at once, how does the scheduler run? In the current model, the scheduler is just another actor and takes control when the currently running actor suspends. However, once we are scheduling multiple actors at the same time, how can the scheduler handle all of them at once? For this, I see a couple solutions:
- Adding onto the genesis actor’s special properties, make it execute on all cores at once. This means a return to the unsafe concurrency model but only for the scheduler.
- Use an extra thread just for the genesis actor. This is based on the
hypothesis that the scheduler will have less to do than all the actors and so
will be able to handle the load, but comes with the problem of having to
manage both unblocking blocked actors and scheduling ready ones at the same
time. Additionally, since the scheduler will now have control even when
actors are running, receiving new actors as a response to
s may pose a problem.
More importantly, there is the issue of concurrent garbage collection. ZigSelf’s object heap implementation currently uses no locks, which works fine because there is only one thread of execution. However, once multiple threads are involved, this poses a great problem: because almost all operations will produce new objects, if the current model is kept, a lot of performance will be sacrificed by locking for every object creation. The simplest solution here would be completely separating the heaps for each actor, and this seems to be the approach employed by Erlang itself; however this might be prohibitively expensive, so a compromise could be to separate just the eden (the area where new objects get created) at a reasonable level of granularity (per thread? per actor?) and then lock only when a tenure from an eden to the shared eden space happens.
Furthermore, some things such as file descriptors are process-wide and must be
shared. Currently, ZigSelf wraps such resources with a Managed
object so
sharing can be managed here. Perhaps an implementation of move semantics is
possible, where sending an actor a message with a Managed
object “moves” that
object to the receiving actor.
Finally, there are some cases where sharing memory is either necessary or greatly beneficial to performance, such as when parallel operations are performed over a large block of memory (such as parallel rendering). I don’t have ideas on how to handle this just yet, but I think we could allow compromises here through some other mechanism.
Future Goals
As of now, the actor model is almost fully integrated into ZigSelf. However, there are many goals I want to accomplish before it’s ready for prime-time.
Firstly, there are many low-hanging fruit regarding performance in actor message sending, such as copy-on-write. The current message sending implementation is “the simplest thing that could possibly work”, and I intend to do various optimizations in this area to minimize the impact of message sending.
Moreover, the mailbox is currently implemented as a linked list because I believed at the time that it was possible that the mailbox wouldn’t be emptied before receiving messages again. In practice this doesn’t seem to be the case, and the mailbox can be implemented as a simple vector, greatly reducing the required allocations to maintain it (and therefore reduce the overhead).
And finally, I also want to reduce the disconnect between a message and its response. In Erlang, messages are distinguished by atoms sent as the first element of the message, and the response is handled in a similar way. I believe that we can have better abstractions. In particular, I want to have a promise-like system where one can wait on the response of an asynchronous actor message without expecting a specific string or atom. Alternatively, some messages could be made synchronous, where the sending actor suspends itself and runs the other actor in its place with just that message before regaining control once the response is calculated. This could be a good alternative to reduce latency for some messages where the execution time is expected to be small.
In this post I went over the state of the actor model implementation in ZigSelf as of November 2022. There are still many challenges and unanswered questions before I can fully realize my dream of an actor-based object programming system that runs on multiple cores, but if it were so easy it wouldn’t be fun :^) I would recommend keeping an eye on the open issues to track the progress of the actor model.
I know I said that I would do monthly updates regarding ZigSelf, however I unfortunately didn’t have time to work on ZigSelf during the past few months so there was nothing to write about. However, December seems promising. Stay tuned!
Oh, also: ZigSelf now has a Discord server, where you can talk to me and others about the language, and ask any questions/make suggestions about this post. Hoping to see you over there.
Aside: Why the name “genesis”?
People have asked me why I chose the name “genesis” for the primitive that lets one enter actor mode. The name is an homage to the original Self programming environment, which calls the place where new objects are created “eden” (a name which ZigSelf also uses). The name of the “blessing” operation follows a similar theme. :^)